Setting out from the Hauptbahnhof on our last day ! Herrliches Wetter !!!!
Sad , last ( flying) visit to the very modern Sony Center in Potsdamerplatz.
Hoping to bump into some film stars who are in town for the 65. Berlinale , Berlin Film Festival. Fassbender und Rausch , das beste Chocolatier in Deutschland !!!
We've had our chocolate fix ( and a few pressies too) Yum, Yum ! On way to Flohmarkt ( flea market) after the Tränenpalast ( palace of tears) at Friedrichsstraße station , scene of heart breaking goodbyes during divided Berlin.
Freezing now as we wait for the Straßenbahn !!!! Didn't think they did "late" or behind schedule in Deutschland !!! Great Museum telling us whole history of this city and an Atomic Shelter built in 70s during Cold War . There was a real fear of atomic warfare at this time.
Inside the Kuppel of the German Reichstag looking down into the parliament chamber ( see the blue seats ? ) Angela says Tag!!